Cairn Press

Quality editions of classic, vintage and endangered literature.

Even Classics Get Lost

With decades of literature, it’s inevitable that some of it will fall through the cracks. We hunt down public domain works and republish them so they’re not lost to the world. We focus on giving them the treatment they deserve… and that means custom illustrations, eBooks that work across devices and are true to the original, and consciously designing for readability.


Cairn Press was formed in Fort Collins, Colorado in 2022. The label exists to ensure that quality literary works do not get lost to either time or low quality editions. Cairn Press focuses on restoration—both digitally and according to original texts.


Cairn Press uses Amazon Kindle Publishing for printing & distribution. Books are printed on-demand, so unsold stock is never pulped or landfilled.


Cairn Press books are made available in print, eBook and audiobook editions. Both vendors and the general public may place orders at our Amazon shop.


Manuscripts of new works are not accepted—whether solicited or unsolicited. Cairn Press is not a traditional publisher. It’s best to think of Cairn Press like a restorer of vintage, classic or endangered public domain books.